Welcome to the RMQSI Knowledge Center, Quanterion Solutions’ community resource for reliability, maintainability and quality (RMQ) products and expertise. In the spirit of the DoD’s technology transfer and technology transition initiatives, the RMQSI Knowledge Center was established with a mission to transition DoD-developed techniques and processes to the ever-expanding range of commercial technology. With this goal in mind, the Center provides access to a variety of tools, products, data & techniques, training and expertise to a range of professionals from RMQ novices to experienced practitioners.
The QSI experience base is derived from performing extensive government-funded research studies under competitive Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and DoD Information Analysis Center (IAC) programs as well in applying state-of-the-art approaches for DoD, FAA, NASA and other government organizations and their contractors, as well as for commercial industry. The diversity of the company’s experience has been the backbone of many widely used guidance publications and tools such as the four editions of the “Reliability Toolkit” series.
The “RMQSI” term has been widely used to represent the related “assurance” technologies of reliability, maintainability, quality, supportability and interoperability in Quanterion’s role in the core operations of the legacy DoD Reliability Information Analysis Center (RIAC), as well as its predecessor, the Reliability Analysis Center (RAC), for more than 20 years. Now the term is being used to emphasize the ties between the technologies and the data, information, products, training and consulting services of Quanterion Solutions Incorporated, “QSI.”
What is reliability, after all? In its broadest form, by definition “reliability” is:
“the ability of a system or component to perform its required functions under stated conditions for a specified period of life units, where life units can be based on time (e.g., hours), distance (e.g., miles), actuations (e.g., cycles), etc.”
And, similarly, “maintainability” is described as a:
“Characteristic of design and installation which determines the probability that a failed equipment, machine, or system can be restored to its normal operable state within a given timeframe, using the prescribed practices and procedures. Its two main components are serviceability (ease of conducting scheduled inspections and servicing) and reparability (ease of restoring service after a failure).”
We invite you to take advantage of our products and services and welcome you to let us know how we can help improve your products and systems. While we have staff working from various locations around the country, the RMQSI Knowledge Center is currently located on the campus of the State University of New York Polytechnic Institute (SUNY PI). Quanterion will also be a tenant of the new SUNY PI Research Innovation Network for Technology Convergence (SPRINT) facility in 2017, where the RMQSI Knowledge Center will be a primary/key contributor to the facility’s technology transition objectives.