Tutorials, Videos, Guides, Databooks and Toolkits
We provide a full complement of helpful products and services to technical professionals, allowing individuals to select those that best fit their specific needs. With regards to publications, we offer several options that range from free introductory primers to in-depth technical handbooks that are available for sale. Our publication collection is explained in greater detail below.
Generally intended for the novice, our short tutorials introduce the reader to the general terminology of specific practices and techniques, but only scratch the surface so as not to overwhelm with detail. Typically one to three pages in length, these publications are a great way to quickly gain an overall perspective on the purpose and objective of different technical practices and/or processes. These tutorials are provided for free on our website, and the collection is continually updated with additional topics.
- View Reliability Ques
- View Lunchtime Learning Series
These guides are intended for those professionals that lie somewhere between a novice and an expert in a particular field. They expand upon the discussion in the short tutorials, providing much more detail on specific topics, practices, or processes. Upon completion, the reader should be much more familiar with the steps that are taken to perform certain activities, and why they are performed in that specific order/manner. These guides are generally 20-40 pages in length (depending on the topic), and can be purchased through our website.
- View Release Books
We also offer products that are exclusive to us that have been developed to address specific topics in the various technical disciplines with which we are experienced. Additional publications developed by partner organizations are also available through our website.
- View Handbooks
Databooks, Toolkits and Analysis/Application Guides
The most in-depth publications that we offer are a collection of databooks, toolkits and application guides that the company developed as part of its operation of the Reliability Information Analysis Center (RIAC) Basic Center of Operations (BCO). Typically over 100 pages in length, these publications are able to discuss topics in greater detail. Some zero in on one particular test or analysis, walking through multiple examples to demonstrate the nuances of different techniques, while others provide more of a holistic overview that encompasses an entire process. These publications can also be purchased through our website using the link below.
- View the collection of Databooks, Toolkits and Analysis/Application Guides
RMQSI has developed Keys to Reliability videos: